WItP // Let’s Get a Little More Social

Another minor update before I roll out the end of morning coffee. 


I’ve been doing some under-the-hood work, preparing for the new story and post schedule. That means I’ve added new social links in the sidebar. That’s right. irrecollections now has its very own Twitter handle. Starting today, I’ll be updating Twitter with draft updates, and snippets, and peeks behind the curtain. It’s like being a Patreon supporter without actually having to pay me anything.

So give me a follow. I think you’ll like it.

Morning Coffee, revised

In the coming days, I’m going to start revising, compiling, and reposting old entries of Morning Coffee. These posts will tie up loose ends, expand the existing narrative, and give it a little more continuity.

To put things in perspective: most of Morning Coffee was written in the morning, at fifteen-minute intervals. These revisions will be extensive drafts. The end result will resemble something similar to a short novel draft.

I think I’ll call the revisions “Cold Coffee,” to differentiate. Yeah. I like that. What do you think?

Out with the old…

I’ve gotten a lot of feedback from you guys regarding the new story, and I’m glad so many of you are this passionate about my work. Seriously. You guys rock.

Tentatively, the first post will go live Saturday, December 9th. So mark your calendars.

Anywho, that’s me. Thanks again for all of your support. You’ve literally helped me mold and prep a work for publication. Your thoughts and suggestions have been invaluable to my process.

Without you, I don’t know where I’d be. Probably at my desk, drinking coffee.

Stay weird,


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Marketing Strategist at The University of Alabama.
